Sítio Shimada Chá Verde da Vovó

Sítio Shimada Chá Verde da Vovó or ‘Grandmother’s tea’ is a smooth green tea from the Shimada family tea garden in Brazil. Large assamica leaves produce a vegetal liquor with a smooth and savoury profile. The flavours are verdant with notes of smoke and seaweed.

Brewing guide: 2.5g in 250ml water at 80°C for 2 minutes



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Origin:Registro, São Paulo state, Brazil
Cultivar:Camellia sinensis var. assamica
Harvest time:January 2024
Sourcing:Direct from Sítio Shimada


Chá Verde da Vovó from Sítio Shimada is a newly introduced green tea from São Paulo state, Brazil. Most tea in Brazil is grown in this state as the climate and landscape provide excellent tea growing conditions. This Brazilian green tea delivers a smooth vegetal flavour, making it quite easy-going. We source this tea directly from Sítio Shimada (previously known as Obaatian). January 2024 harvest.

Here is a small video about the inspirational people behind this unique Brazilian black tea and the production process of Chá da Vovó at Sítio Shimada:

Chá da Vovó (or Grandmother’s Tea) is produced on a family tea plantation that is managed by the family of Dona Ume Shimada. At the age of 83 in 2014 with the help of her family she resurrected a tea garden in Registro. Utilising some unique tea processing machinery, they have managed to produce a truly spectacular black tea of highest quality and most unusual terroir.

The bud and two leaves of this tea are hand plucked from tea plants of the Assamica varietal and carefully hand processed. Being a green tea from Assamica plants, one can expect to find quite a bit of tannins and astringency. But with this Chá Verde da Vovó there are no such qualities, testament to careful and knowledgeable processing.

This Brazilian green tea consists of large wiry leaves. It produces a superbly smooth liquor that delivers a very classic green tea profile. The main notes are vegetal, reminiscent of cooked asparagus and fresh spinach. It also has a pleasant level of savouriness without becoming too drying or astringent. The verdant aftertaste is smooth with top notes of seaweed and just a hint of smoke. Overall it has complexity that is delivered with an overall impression of smoothness and drinkability.

Chá Verde da Vovó Brazilian Green tea is best brewed at 80°C for 2 minutes according to your taste. It should also be brewed multiple times, slowly increasing the steeping time with each subsequent brew.

This Chá da Vovó Brazilian Green tea was first featured in our April 2024 Curious Tea Subscription Boxes.