Darjeeling Rohini Summer Green Wonder is a lovely smooth green tea from the Rohini Tea Estate. Made from specially selected tea plants, it has a light character with a fruity and savoury profile. It consists of select fine leaves, mostly comprising of two leaves and a bud. Like all our Rohini and Gopaldhara teas, we source it directly from Rishi Saria, the owner and director of Gopaldhara and Rohini Tea Estates. This lot is from the June 2022 summer harvest.
Rohini Tea Estate is located along the route that connects the towns of Siliguri and Kurseong. Surrounded by beautiful natural environment this estate produces tea from relatively young trees. The estate has had a chequered past, not actually producing any tea for a long period of time. Recently it has been replanted with young tea trees, so sometimes it is referred to as the youngest tea estate in Darjeeling. It is now going from strength to strength and is producing more and more interesting and quality teas. This green tea is a great example of what these new tea trees are capable of.
It is particularly worth noting that this tea is made from green tea clones that have been specifically selected to have much lower tannin content. This is immediately evident when comparing it to other Darjeeling green teas. Most of these green teas tend to exhibit a character that has a degree of astringency present and often have a savoury, smoky edge. By contrast this tea has very little astringency and instead features a light yet complex character full of fruity and lightly vegetal notes.
This smooth Darjeeling Rohini Summer Green Wonder has wiry tippy leaves consisting of one bud plus 1-2 leaves. Once brewed, it is possible to see the fine standard of picking in the young green leaves. The liquor produced is bright, with a light colour and a light fruity aroma. While being light and smooth, it still produces a full taste with a full mouthfeel. The savoury profile has vegetal and lightly fruity notes while the umami taste contributes to the fullness of the flavours. There is a slightly chalky note in the middle of the taste, while the creamy aftertaste is long and has a lovely mouthwatering quality. It is very soft for a green tea with minimal astringency and zero tannins. The fruity aspect almost makes it closer to a white tea in flavour!
This Darjeeling Rohini Summer Green Wonder is best brewed at 80°C for 2-3 minutes and can be brewed multiple times. When experimenting with repeated steepings, you can gradually increase the water temperate and steep time to extract fuller flavour.