Dong Cheon Jungjak Nokcha (동천 중작 녹차) is a high grade green tea from the Dong Cheon co-operative of farmers. A Jungjak (중작) grade is plucked in early May and is the third flush of the season. This Dong Cheon Jungjak Nokcha green tea has full organic certification and was picked in early May 2020.
Dong Cheon Jungjak Nokcha is a semi-wild green tea, which means that the trees are from an ancient cultivar from Hadong Province that used to grow wild. This cultivar is thought to have been brought from China by buddhist monks over 1,200 years ago and many temples around Jirisan (지리산) still grow their own tea. So the majority of tea from Hadong comes from the descendants of those original tea plants. Presently the tea plants of this ancient Hadong cultivar are normally planted by the farmers but are then basically left to grow on their own as they are grown organically without pesticides or herbicides.

The dry leaves of this Jungjak Nokcha green tea have a dark green colour with a sweet toasty scent. It produces a bright liquor with a light yellow green colour and a slight vegetal aroma. This tea has a vegetal taste with nutty and toasty notes. There is a fine balance between savoury and sweet flavours with a finish that is very clean and mouthwatering. The profile is somewhere between the more savoury and vegetal Dong Cheon Sejak Nokcha and the sweeter Dong Cheon Daejak Nokcha.
It is best brewed at 70°C for 1 minute according to your taste. This tea should definitely be brewed multiple times to enjoy the different flavours from each brew.
We have an extensive range of teas from Dong Cheon, so why not try our any of the three other teas that we offer: Sejak Hwangcha (second flush balhyocha), Sejak Nokcha (second flush green) and Daejak Nokcha (summer flush green).